Today, Michigan AFL-CIO President Ron Bieber released the following statement reacting to Gov. Whitmer’s extension of the stay at home executive order through the end of this month:
“On behalf of our affiliates and the hundreds of thousands of working Michiganders we represent, we want to thank the governor for her continued outstanding leadership in taking the necessary steps to keep all of us safe and healthy through this awful pandemic. We’re all looking forward to the worst of this to finally begin to recede so we can return to our routines and workplaces, but we must only do so when the scientific data clearly indicates it’s safe for working people. Workers’ lives and safety are not expendable. When we do return to work, ensuring health and safety must be the highest priority. Whatever guidelines are in place, there must be strict enforcement, and consequences for those who break the rules.
“The Michigan AFL-CIO will continue to engage with the governor’s office and with the legislature to ensure front-line workers are protected, the broader public health crisis is mitigated, people are sustained through the crisis, workers in severely affected sectors receive critical aid, our state and local governments and the US Postal Service are supported, and finally that we come together to rebuild the economy and put people back to work.”